Thursday, January 11, 2007

walking shoes.

i shall walk when the calcutta crows go home to their southern avenue trees.
i shall walk when you,or i ,are troubled.
i shall walk in school para,my para,flyover,delhi, anyplace....
i shall walk when i want to be me... dreamer,the wild spirit,the impulsive.
i shall walk when i want to feel the sunshine,the air,the happiness that i feel only with you.
i shall walk when i am alone.. and i miss you.
i shall walk when i think about you.
i shall walk when we cant come to a conclusion.... bcoz we are supposedly grown up.
i shall walk when i want to shed a tear.
i shall walk when you want to shed a tear.
i shall walk when i realize... not for the first time that i am not invincible.
i shall walk when i am defeated.
i shall walk when i am in love...
i shall walk when i have my dog.
i shall walk when i am misrable,or elated...
i shall walk just when you have thought that i am no longer incorrigible.
i shall walk when i am jobless...
i shall walk when i need to think.
i shall walk when i can no longer walk.
i shall walk when there are no roads.or a path.
i shall walk.....
come walk with me.

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