Thursday, October 05, 2006

scraps for survival.

at times at the most desperate of moments.... and at times absent.
i love them.... welcome them.. look forward to them......

we ve proved that even idea at times needs an idea or two.... and that connenctivity form rurals is poss.... gujarat and rajashtan to karnataka and pondicherry.we ve rejoiced bcoze we fit in anywhere and concluded that we dont fit in anywhere....we tried in vain,to figure out coffee table books,society wine and ....
we ve discussed the future... the job prospective and what not.... but not for ourselves....
we are happy.... and vague.,... and comfortable.

the ever faithful four legged guy around here..... will always be there at the end of my day... and his...and will walk me to the bus stop every morning.... before he goes on his rounds for the day....

punkk uzz.....
always there to listen to what im formulating.... a verbal outline before i frame the eventual blueprint.he always has the answers..... or otherwise pretends he does... till i find the real answer.he will cradle my lows... my mood radically difficult problems at times.....i love this cant get a better guy...
i just wish hed be honest about his

my best bud here.he shall freak only if you spell his name dipak.... nothing else would otherwise lead him to react violently.the most staid and dependable integral part of college.will need a wake up call half an hour before an exam. and will be in a foul mood if sleep is compromised specifically for academia.lost at times,... but (thankfully) never for long.

simply... my lifeline....

everything else....
thank you for having contributed in ways that you have.
.. my cell...
. a literary print.... floaters....
.. my cycle....
i love you all.....

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